The Spine

Did you know that almost a quarter of all days of absence from work in Germany are due to an impairment of the musculoskeletal system? This alone causes companies in Germany to lose over 17 billion euros in production every year. (Q1*)

The range of losses caused by musculoskeletal disorders extends from limited fitness for work to complete incapacity for work (AU). (Q1*)

In this blog post, you will learn how you can reduce the stress on your employees' spine with our vacuum lifters and thereby significantly counteract absences from work and occupational illnesses.

*You can find the exact references in the list of references at the end of the article.


Fezer fact check

According to the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), lifting and carrying heavy loads is considered a typical activity that leads to incorrect stresses in the musculoskeletal system (MSE).

MSE is in Germany and internationally the most frequent cause of:

Incapacity for work (AU)
severe disability
Limited ability to work
Premature disability

Typical work-related diseases of the spine

In the list of work-related diseases you can find some diseases that are caused by overloading of the spine.  The list of official work-related diseases can be found here.

In addition, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health provides a list of recognized work-related illnesses specifically in the area of the musculoskeletal system. You can view this here.

The following industries and activities are particularly affected:

  • Loading/unloading of bags
  • Sorting of packages
  • Loading machines without lifting aids
  • Commissioning
  • Reloading of palletized goods
  • Straightening work on the roof by hand
  • etc.


Occasional load lifting in the workplace:

15 to 18 years 15 kg 35 kg
19 to 45 years 15 kg 55 kg
older then 45 years 15 kg 45 kg

Frequent load lifting in the workplace:

15 to 18 years 10 kg 20 kg
19 to 45 years 10 kg 30 kg
older then 45 years 10 kg 25 kg


If your lifted loads exceed this maximum load, measures must be taken to protect the employee. And this is where our wide range of products comes into play!

Preventive measures — How do you prevent MSE?

Increased stress inevitably affects the performance of your workers and therefore the success of your company. They lead to illnesses with frequent periods of absence, disruptions in operations, and ultimately additional costs.

The Load Handling Regulations (LasthandhabV) recommend mechanical equipment. (Q5)

In its brochure "Lifting and carrying without damage", the BAuA recommends the use of lifting aids and transport devices  (click here to download).

The German Social  Insurance for Accidents (DGUV) also recommends the use of handling and transport aids on its website. The DGUV explicitly recommends cranes, balancers/ manipulators, vacuum tube lifters and suction lifters.

(Q6 & Q7)

Our tube and vacuum lifters

Our tube and vacuum lifters are already being used in a wide range of industries. Our product portfolio supports companies from the small dental practice to the aerospace industry. Whether stone, glass, wood, sheet metal, cardboard boxes — no matter what the application; by investing in our comprehensive products, you effectively counteract occupational injuries and illnesses and increase your efficiency.

Our product catalogs provide you with a quick overview of our product range. In the general catalog (left) you will find all our products sorted by series. In the application catalog (right), we show you our innovative vacuum solutions conveniently sorted by application (wood, logistics, glass, etc.). Super for a first dive into the world of vacuum.

We are happy to advise you -
personally and without obligation

If you ever should not find a device in our standard designs that meets your requirements, please do not hesitate to call us! Not without reason are we internationally known for our custom-made products. Our team of engineers and designers is already in the starting blocks for a custom-made product. So it's time to get started and work with Fezer to take your company's ergonomics to the next level. #Simplymovemore #LiftWithTheBest

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List of references

Zahlen und Fakten zu MSE (laut BAuA)

Statistik „Wichtigste Krankheitsarten für Arbeitsunfähigkeit in Deutschland im Jahr 2019“

Broschüre BAuA „Manuelles Heben, Halten und Tragen von Lasten“

Kompendium „Arbeitsschutzrecht“
Erschienen 2007; Taeger / Rose; Verlag Hülthig Jehle Rehm GmbH;

Erklärung der Lastenhandhabungsverordnung

Hilfsmittel beim Heben schwerer Lasten

Hilfsmittel anheben + Produktabbildungen

Copyright 2025 Albert Fezer Maschinenfabrik GmbH

Tube Lifters | Vacuum Lifters | Crane Systems | Working Stands